How to Promote Your Album on Google+
Like it or not, social media has become a big part of our everyday lives. Almost all of us have a Facebook, a Twitter, a Tumblr, an Instagram, a Pinterest, or maybe all five, and the list doesn’t stop there. When you’re a musician, social media platforms are more than just a fun way to kill time — they’re a valuable tool for getting more fans and sharing your album with the world. In this article, we’ll offer up some helpful tips on how to promote your music using Google+. (When you’re done reading, make sure to check out our article on using Facebook to promote your band.)
What is Google+?
First, let’s start with a quick overview. GooglePlus, which is usually written as Google+, was rolled out by Google in mid-2011. As of October 2013, about 540 million users had an account. With such a massive user base backed by the biggest name on the internet, Google+ has way too much digital clout for budding rappers, DJs, and indie musicians to ignore — especially because it’s free to use.
Google+ is an all-in-one mashup that consolidates lots of different Google services, including Gmail, Drive (cloud storage), Calendar, Events, Locations, and Hangouts (video chat). You can use Google+ on your computer, or download the app on your smartphone for when you’re on the go.
While Google+ might not be a social media platform in the “traditional” sense, since it blends entertainment with workflow management, the sharing-focused nature of its features means that it essentially functions like a social media platform, with some bells and whistles attached. (Circles — Google’s answer to Facebook and Twitter — is still around, though the ability to share user circles was removed earlier this year.)
Making a Google+ account is easy. To sign up, just head to the Google+ signup page and fill out your information. To start making your public profile, all you have to do is type in your name, gender, and birthday. The second step is adding people you know. (The third step is “being awesome,” but we’ll let you figure that one out on your own.)
Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s check out some of the ways bands and solo artists can use Google+ to their advantage.
8 Easy Google+ Music Promotion Tips for Musicians, Bands, and Solo Artists
To really squeeze the most mileage out of your Google+ experience, try to hit as many of these bullet points as you can:
- Everyone loves to feel like they’re in on a cool secret. Make sure to post some of your content exclusively to Google+ so that users get excited about checking it out. After all, if you already post 100% of your content on sites like Twitter and Tumblr, your fans won’t have any reason to follow you on Google+, since all they’ll be getting is duplicate content.
- Start auto-linking to your Google+ page when you make posts on other websites. This will help you lure in followers, and the more followers you have, the more your presence will grow.
- Reaching out is a two-way street. Follow other bands, artists, and industry people you’re interested in or similar to.
- Join Google+ communities to find other likeminded music fans. You can also create your own communities.
- Google+ is known for its high-quality high-res image capabilities. Don’t neglect the visual aspect of your music: post pictures of your band members, your music gear, the recording studio, and anything else you want to share with the world.
- Post consistently. If you wait too long, people will lose interest, forget about you, or assume you’re not an active user anymore. On the other hand, don’t go overboard with posting, or people will get annoyed with the spam. Posting once or twice a day is generally a happy medium.
- Stream live gigs, gear reviews, and any other video footage you want to share through the Google+ Hangouts feature.
- Use the Google+ Events feature to advertise upcoming shows and gigs you’re playing.
Don’t get us wrong — making a Google+ account is a great step on your path toward the big time (otherwise we wouldn’t have written a whole article singing its praises). However, it’s going to take more than just social media to give your band the professional push it needs to succeed. But don’t worry: the music promotion team at Planetary Group has got you covered.
We handle online promo, radio promo, and even international musicians, so no matter where you’re coming from or what you’re shooting for, we’re here to answer your questions and help get your music heard. Call us for help with your music promotion today at (323) 952-5050.