What Do You Need To Make Beats?

If you’re a budding musician in search of a beat for your next song, there are easier ways of finding beats than creating your own. Fortunately, there are now plenty of websites where amateur beatmakers sell their beats or even offer them for free.

While some aspiring artists may choose to create their own beats, it’s worth noting that it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to become a successful beatmaker. It takes a long time and an incredible amount of work to do so. But many great artists such as Pharrell and Charlie Puth started out as beatmakers, and now they are stars in their own right!

With that said, if you’re up for the challenge, creating your own beats can be a fun and rewarding experience. In this article, we’ll explore what you need to get started and offer some tips on how to create beats that people will want to hear. So, let’s dive in and get started!


In This Article:

  • What Tools Do You Need To Make Beats?
    • A Laptop
    • DAWs (Audio Editing Software)
    • Headphones
  • Extra Gear You Might Want
    • Sequencer
    • MIDI Controller
    • Samples & Loops
    • Mixing & Mastering Software


What Tools Do You Need To Make Beats?

If you’re looking to create your own beats, you’ll need a few key pieces of equipment before you begin. While it’s true that this will require some investment, it’s worth noting that it’s now easier and more affordable than ever to get started than ever before, so there’s some good news!

1. A Laptop

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The first thing you need to make your own beats is a computer or laptop. A few years ago, you’d have needed a special one with extra storage and capabilities. But these days, most common options will do fine. So don’t feel like you need to invest in an expensive or high-end computer to get started. As long as it meets the minimum requirements for the software you’ll be using–which most people’s everyday laptop should–you will be good to go.

A laptop is all you need to make music and promote it, right? Well, if you need some help with how to promote your music, that’s what we’re here for.

2. DAWs (Audio Editing Software)

In addition to a computer, you also need audio editing software to create your own beats. There are several very popular options to choose from, including Logic Pro X, FL Studio, and Ableton Live, which are all considered industry standards. These are typically referred to as Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs), and can still provide the tools you need to create great beats.

While these software programs may require some time to learn, they offer a range of features and capabilities that can help you create professional-quality beats. Many musicians stick to these alone, so in the end, they might be all you require.

If these programs are too expensive, there are cheaper options available as well, although they may not be as commonly used. Regardless of which software you choose, make sure it meets your specific needs and offers the features you need to create the kind of beats you want to produce. If it doesn’t, feel free to play around and try something else.

3. Headphones

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Of course, you’ll also need a pair of high quality headphones to create your own beats. While there are many different types and brands to choose from, it’s important to find a pair that works well for you and your ears, specifically. 

When selecting a pair, it’s important to strike a balance between quality and affordability. While you don’t want to buy the cheapest pair available, you also don’t want to overspend and max out your credit card. The key is to find an option that allows you to hear things clearly and accurately, so you can create the best possible beats. So, do your research and find a pair of headphones that meet your needs and your budget.


Extra Gear You Might Want

In addition to the basics mentioned above, there are some additional gear items that you might want to consider to enhance your beatmaking experience. While not essential, these extras can be helpful as you progress on your journey and become interested in learning new instruments and musical skills.

1. Sequencer

A music sequencer is a valuable tool in beatmaking that allows you to figure out the pattern of your sounds in your beat using a visual grid. Usually used when working on drum sounds, sequencers can be used when programming any instrument.

There are many types of beat sequencers available, ranging from simple and basic to complex and sophisticated. Most common DAWs come with sequencers already built-in, but you might decide you want something a little extra…once you’ve learned a lot about programs and beatmaking in general, that is.

You don’t require a beat sequencer to create beats. Any type of audio editing software can be used to make beats. That being said, a beat sequencer can significantly simplify the process of creating and arranging beats.

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2. MIDI Controller

When it comes to creating and playing beats, a MIDI controller can be a game-changer. MIDI controllers come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each with its own set of features to consider. Some professional musicians collect these in their home recording studios, so be aware that you might fall down that rabbit hole one day.

To get the most out of your controller, it’s recommended that you opt for one with at least 25 keys and 8 pads. If you don’t know what that means, you’re probably not ready for one of these instruments.

While also not a necessity, a physical MIDI controller can make beatmaking a lot more manageable. It allows you to play your instruments using physical keys and pads, giving you a tactile feel and more control over your sound. A MIDI controller can seriously enhance your music production experience.

3. Samples & Loops

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Many popular beats include sounds and bits and pieces from older tunes, known as samples. Some also incorporate previously-used loops. In beatmaking, sampling is the process of re-using pre-made sounds in a new song, while loops are pre-made drum patterns, melodies, or chord progressions that serve as a foundation for a beat. These tools are especially helpful for producers who make beats on a regular basis, providing a rich tapestry of sounds to work with.

These aren’t necessary to create something–after all, many like to start fresh and build from scratch–but as you become more advanced, it can be fun to dabble with these features and ideas.

You can invest in sample libraries, which offer you dozens or even hundreds of samples for a relatively low price. These packs often include a diverse range of drum, percussion, and melodic samples that you can use to craft your new beats.

Having access to an extensive library of loops and samples is essential for any producer looking to create beats efficiently. It allows you to focus on creating and fine-tuning your sound without worrying about starting from scratch each and every time. With a robust sample library, you’ll be able to experiment and create unique beats that stand out from the crowd.

4. Mixing & Mastering Software 

After you’ve assembled your beat, it’s time to mix and master it. Mixing is the process of adjusting each track’s levels in your beat, such as volume, panning, EQ (equalization), and compression. Mastering is the finalization process where you prepare your new beats for release.

To accomplish these jobs, there is an array of software programs and tools available for mixing and mastering. Depending on your budget and skill level, you can choose from a range of options to help you achieve professional-quality sound.

Again, this step isn’t even 100% necessary, but if you don’t want your work to sound too amateurish, you’ll want to begin learning these skills as well–which will also require a lot more time, work, and studying, by the way.

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