How To Find New Members For Your Band

There are a lot of roadblocks that one must cross before forming a complete band. Such an endeavor requires a lot of time, money, effort, and talent, and before any of that…it requires people! If you want to create a group and not write and record music as a soloist, you’ll need to fill all the necessary spots, which usually involves a singer, guitarist, bassist, and drummer, though you may be seeking something different (a piano player, someone to operate a synthesizer, or perhaps trumpeters, violin players, or more).

These instruments are tough to learn, and even if you are able to locate candidates whose talents are up to par, you have to make sure they share your musical tastes, that they have the same musical goals as you and your colleagues, and that they’re willing to commit to the work schedule you’ll need to establish in order to make your musical dreams come true.

So, if you are in need of someone (or several someones) to flesh out your soon-to-be-massive band, here are a few suggestions that may help you get what you need so you can begin rocking.


In This Article:

  • Use Dedicated Websites
  • Ask Your Network
  • Reach Out Professionally
  • Social Media
  • Go To Shows
  • Post The Job


Use Dedicated Websites

If you’re looking for someone to fill an empty spot in your band, you’re not the only one. In fact, this is a need that a number of entrepreneurs and web designers have addressed, and there are options out there for those seeking musical assistance.

Feel free to browse BandFinder, Hendrix, or Join-A-Band, to name just a few of the most popular sites on the internet. Each one has drawbacks and pluses, and you may need to spend quite a bit of time not just deciding which one is best, but searching through what must be thousands of profiles before you find a handful of candidates that may be right for you.

Once you’ve completed forming your band, it’s time to make music! And Planetary will get you heard and will get your music on the radio for you.


Ask Your Network

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Networking is king. Whenever you need something—advice, suggestions, feedback, or even a new musician to join your growing group—you can always start asking those already in your network! Begin with friends and family, putting it out there that you’re looking. Depending on who you associate with, these connections may or may not be helpful. If you’ve already been playing gigs, recording music, and even writing with other acts, you likely have excellent people to query as well. Surely someone knows someone who plays the instrument you need, and even if they’re not right, they may be able to lead you to a person who is.


Reach Out Professionally

Beyond your own circle of friends and contacts, you can also reach out to people who work in the music industry who have networks of their own. Start with those you’ve met, worked with, or even just liaised with in some manner, so at least you’re not a total stranger. These can be publicists, managers, booking people, studio managers, journalists, producers, songwriters, mixers, engineers…the list goes on and on, and even if you don’t realize it, you may have a large enough circle of people to help you out.

If this doesn’t work, you can still reach out to people connected to your local scene or those who are involved in the music business in some manner. Yes, you’re asking for a favor (sort of), but this also may be helpful to them! If they have a friend, contact, or client who is in need of a new musical opportunity, they may welcome your ask. If not, chances are they won’t mind it.

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Social Media

If all else fails, take to social media! Post on X, Facebook, Instagram, and any other platforms where you have a profile and tell your followers that you’re looking for new talent. Make sure you don’t sound desperate, or you’ll get suggestions and submissions that are less than stellar. Keep it short and simple, detailing what instrument you’re missing and any other information you think is particularly important—years of experience, taste in music, certain abilities—and keep your fingers crossed! Make sure to check out the planetary guide: how to build your social media presence as a musical artist. Or if you need some help, reach out to us and ask about social media management services.


Go To Shows

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If you’ve already exhausted your contacts, try making new ones! Go to more shows, find social events where other musicians will be, spend time at open mics, and wherever else you think the type of people you’re seeking may hang out. This is a good practice anyway, as it can only help you to shake more hands, introduce yourself to others, and expand your rolodex (not that anyone still uses a rolodex). 

If you’re incredibly lucky, you might meet the exact musician you’ve been looking for. Chances are, however, that instead you’ll form a friendship that eventually leads to a different introduction down the line, one which is more fruitful.


Post The Job

You might not think of it in this manner, but when you’re looking for someone to join your band, you’re actually hiring for a part-time, low-paying job…so why not try to find the right person in the same way a company would? Post the opportunity on sites like Craigslist, LinkedIn, and even some traditional job boards. These platforms should not be your first stop, but if nothing else has worked and you really need that drummer or singer, why not give it a try? What’s the worst that could happen?

Have you dreamed of hearing your songs on the radio? Let’s make that a reality.